Medical Services

Mukinbudin Health and Medical Centre

The following are the opening hours for the Medical Centre;

  • Monday        9am - 4pm    Registered Nurse in attendance
  • Tuesday:       9am - 4pm   Doctor Available (Appointments are required - call 9683 0204)
  • Wednesday: 9am - 4pm   Child Health Nurse or Thursday  (One hour appointments required call 9047 2800)
  • Wednesday: 9am - 4pm   Registered Nurse in attendance
  • Thursday:     9am - 4pm   Registered Nurse in attendance
  • Friday:           CLOSED

Allied Health Services and Optometrists are available through the Mukinbudin Health Centre.

Medical Centre phone: 9047 2800

Wheatbelt Agcare, Counselling Service

A free, mobile Family Counselling Service for Individuals, Couples and Families experiencing a challenge or issue in their lives requiring assistance to cope, improve their wellbeing and identify options available to them. For enquiries call 9046 5091 or email: 

Koorda Appointment Contact:
Di Morgan
Family Counsellor (Dip/C. MAIPC, MACA)
Mobile: 0488 964 255 (TEXT for appointments)


St. John Ambulance Centre is located in Maddock Street and has an ambulance on stand-by. This station is manned by a volunteer team responding to emergencies, saving lives and patient transfers which provides a valuable service to the whole community.

Public Defibrillator

A full automated defribrillator is located at the Mukinbudin IGA and is accessible  for anyone  to use whilst awaiting for an ambulance to arrive.


  • Mukinbudin IGA  27 Shadbolt Street, Mukinbudin
  • Sports Recreation Centre: Cruickshank Road, Mukinbudin
  • Swimming Pool:  Cruickshank Road, Mukinbudin
  • Mens Shed:  Strugnell Street, Mukinbudin

ALWAYS DIAL 000 - when there is an emergency, the public defibrillator acts as an immediate measure to use whilst waiting for an ambulance to arrive.


The Kununoppin Hospital is situated in Leake Street, Kununoppin, which is approximately 45km away. It has General Hospital facilities along with Frail Aged Accommodation on site.
Contact the hospital on (08) 9683 0222 for more information.